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HomeBy Laws

Association By Laws



Revised: 05/24/2023


Section 1. The name of this Association shall be the Austin Claims Association.

Section 1. To promote and provide networking through cordial business relations among the members; to exchange information concerning matters of interest; to discuss common issues, to develop a high standard of ethics; and to promote the general welfare of the companies represented.

Section 2. To promote and provide opportunities for Texas Department of Insurance Adjuster License Continuing Education Credits for Association members.

Section 3. To provide opportunities for Association Members to participate in supporting charitable organizations and assist in the awarding of educational scholarships.

Section 4. To agree that everything discussed at meetings of the Association or the Committees shall be held in strict confidence unless when otherwise agreed. Further, that the knowledge gained through membership in this Association shall not be used against the interest of any individual member nor any company having a duly accredited representative in the Association.


Section 1. Membership shall be limited to a licensed insurance adjuster who is actively employed by insurance companies, independent adjusting firms, insurance agencies, attorney firms, and self-insurers, who are engaged in the handling of claims.

Section 2. Associate Membership shall be limited to licensed insurance adjusters, who are retired or not actively engaged in the handling of claims.

Section 3. An individual whose regular course of business serves the Insurance Industry may be extended the opportunity for Vendor Associate Membership of the Austin Claims Association if he/she commits to uphold the objectives outlined in this Constitution.

Section 4. Each “Member” shall be assessed a $50.00 annual membership fee. Dues are payable upon acceptance into the association and annually thereafter each September.

Section 5. Each “Associate Member” and “Vendor Associate Member” shall be assessed a $50.00 annual membership fee.  Corporate Vendor Member shall be assessed a $150 annual membership fee which allows the vendor to send any number of representative to the monthly meetings as member rate.  Dues are payable upon acceptance into the association and annually thereafter each September.

Section 6. Any eligible person shall be enrolled in the ACA membership upon filing an application with the Membership Committee and upon such application being accepted by a majority vote of the Members.

Section 7. Any member may be expelled from membership for just and due cause by a two-thirds majority vote of the active Members present at a regular meeting, following the preceding regular meeting where it has been announced by the presiding officer that it was the intention to make such a vote.

Section 8. Any Member, Associate Member, or Vendor Associate Member, three months in arrears with his/her dues shall be automatically dropped from membership.

Section 9. Voting privileges shall be limited to one vote per Member, Associate Member and Vendor Associate Members.

Section 10. Members may serve on a committee of their choice during the year.


Section 1. The Officers of this Association (“The Executive Committee”) shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President,  Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected by a majority vote in open meeting of the annual meeting. Candidate shall be nominated for each office prior to the election and, once elected; they shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.

Section 2. In the absences of the President, the remaining officers shall serve in the orders of their ranking, and in the events or a vacancy caused by incapacity or removal from office by resignation, death, or other cause, of the President or Vice President, those officers remaining shall automatically advance to the next higher rank. The vacancy created by their advancement shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. In the event of the temporary absence of the Secretary, the President shall appoint a member to serve temporarily in his stead, unless said absence is caused by incapacity of the lengthy duration, resignation, death or other cause, in which event, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The duties of the President and First Vice President and Second Vice President shall be those as usually appertain to such office.

Section 5. The Secretary shall notify the membership of the time and place of all meetings; take minutes of all meetings; handle correspondence for and on behalf of the Association.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall collect and be custodian of all dues and assessments voted by the membership and deposit the funds in the bank, where both the Treasurer and President have access to the account. The Treasurer is to keep an active roster of membership; showing names, addresses of companies represented; and perform all other duties ordinarily incident to their office.


Section 1. Regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the first Thursday of each month; September - May. The meeting fee is $30.00 for all Members current on dues (including Associate Members and Vendor Associate Members) and $40.00 for guests and non-current members.

Section 2. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held on the regular meeting schedule, the first Thursday of October of each year.

Section 3. One-quarter of the voting Members of the Association shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.

Section 4. Special meetings of the Association shall be held subject to the call of the majority of the Executive Committee.

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall meet whenever it is deemed advisable by the majority of the committee.

Section 6. The majority of the Executive Committee shall comprise a quorum at any one of its meetings.


Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President upon ascension of office to appoint such Special Committees as are authorized by the Association during their term of office.

Section 2. The Standing Committees and their duties shall be:

(a) By-Laws Committee: To review the content of the By-Laws biannually for clarity and simplicity.

(b) Scholarship Committee: To collect and review applications from qualifying ACA Members and/or their dependent children currently enrolled in an accredited college or university, and make determinations on the award amounts and winners, based on the amount of money allotted by the Budget Committee.

(c) Budget Committee: To Review the finances and tax repercussions of the Association and make determinations regarding the budgets of each Committee for the upcoming year.

(d) Endowment Committee: To research suggestions of charitable opportunities, Organizations, and functions, then plan, organize and implement gifts, based on the amount of money allotted by the Budget Committee.

(e) Membership: To increase the membership; to investigate the qualifications of applicants for membership, and report recommendation thereon to the Association.

(f) Special Committees: Committees used for a special purpose, but not mandatory annually. These Committees may include but are not limited to:
ACA Seminar Committee: A Committee to organize an educational seminar on current adjuster topics (usually day-long) for ACA members, which will provide continuing education credit to adjusters who attend. A member of this committee can serve the ACA as the CE Coordinator. The seminar budget is to be discussed with the Budget Committee.

Golf Tournament Committee: A Committee which organizes a golf tournament and invites ACA members and the public as a fundraising benefit for the ACA.

Party Committee: A Committee to organize social events for members, based on the amount of money allotted by the Budget Committee. 


Section 1. Order of Business
Roll Call
Reading by Secretary of Article II, Section 4
Reading of minutes of previous meeting
Election of Officers (during September general meeting)
Report of Treasurer
Report on Committees
Reading of membership applications as submitted by the membership committee and action thereon
Unfinished business
New Business

Section 2. The conduct of the meetings of the Association shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order when not in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the President or Secretary. Any proposed amendments shall be given due consideration at the next meeting and if deemed advisable that the amendment be adopted, it shall be read by the Secretary at the next regular meeting of the Association, when it shall be voted upon, and if two thirds majority of the votes are cast in favor, it shall be immediately adopted.



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